Rates and Services

Water Rates

Effective Date:  January 1, 2022

Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Water Rate:

Usage Inside City Limits Outside City Limits
First 2,000 gallons (Minimum) $10.54 $14.60
Next 18,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $3.61 $4.50
Next 80,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $2.85 $3.37
Next 900,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $2.38 $2.83
Next 1,000,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $2.25 $2.36

Industrial Customers using over 1,000,000 gallons of water per month shall be billed for all water used at the rate specified in last step

Wholesale Water Rate: $1.95 per 1,000 gallons


Water Tap Fee

Non-Standard Customer Connection Greater than 1 inchActual Cost Incurred by Utility


Meter Size Charge
5/8 x3/4 $850
1 Inch Meter $1,150

Non-Standard Customer Connection Greater than 1 inch                                                          Actual Cost Incurred by Utility

Fire Protection

Service Charge
Fire Hydrant Installation Actual Cost Incurred by Utility
Fire Hydrant Maintenance Charge $2.50 per fire hydrant per month
Sprinkler Charge $0.025 per sprinkler head per month

Sewer Rates

Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Sewer Rate (Based on Water Meter Reading):

 Usage Inside City Limits Outside City Limits
First 2,000 gallons (Minimum) $13.60 $16.52
Over 2,000 gallons per 1,000 gallons $4.57 $5.40

Sewer Surcharge Rate: Defined by City of Glasgow Sewer Use Ordinance, No. 1489.


Sewer Tap Fee

Service Charge
Gravity Main Connection Fee (4 in and 6 in)
Includes Sewer Saddle and Inspection.
Residential Force Main Connection Fee
Includes Installation of Force Main Tap and Standard Residential Grinder Pump System.
Commercial Force Main Connection Fee Actual Cost Incurred by Utility to Construct Connection.


Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) Waste Hauling Disposal Fee

Service Charge
Hauler Permit Fee (Yearly) $50
Septic Disposal per 1,000 gallons (Minimum) $50
Grease Disposal per 1,000 gallons (Minimum) $75


Other Charges & Fees

Service Charge
Service Application Fee $25 next day service / $50 same day service
Termination Fee $25
Tampering Fee $25
Return Check Fee $25
After Hours Reconnection Fee $25
Inspection Fee $25.00 per hour
(minimum one (1) hour per inspection trip)
Industrial Pretreatment Permit Fee $75
Commercial Fats, Oil and Grease (FOG) Permit Fee $25
Credit Card Convenience Fee
(Web Payment Only)
$1.50 (first $25), 2.8% on amount over $25
Credit Card Convenience Fee
(Phone Payment Only)
$1.50 (first $25), 2.8% on amount over $25
Residential Grinder Pump System Maintenance Fee $9.00 per month
WTP Lab Bacteriological Sample Analysis $40 per sample (M-F 6:30am-3:00pm)

$55 per sample after hours, weekends, holidays